February is about over, and another two bridal shows that I know about have come and gone. One was at the aquarium which as I was told by a few vendors was a flop - 30 brides total in two days with 17 hour days on average work. That would calulate to be $41.00 an hour if booths were 700.00 which I am sure they were much higher. So average what is that...1230.00 per bride that was spent? WOW...
Also two brides that I talked to today said that they did not attend any bridal shows but have booked everything online. As far as my company goes we might do one bridal show a year which would be The Tulsa Wedding Show. All other shows are out of the question.
If your a wedding vendor and are not online you are missing out and are spending what, 1200 per lead at a wedding show? Waste of money? You tell me....